Happy Belated Valentines Day!
This year for Valentines Day I worked and had a Happy Days marathon. Sounds exciting, huh?
Here's how my day went:
1. worked from 11-1
2. passed out some Valentines
3. went home, gave Gracie her snacks, etc.
4. went to the after school program for their VDay party
5. passed out Valentines and ate
6. went home and ate a slice of pizza
7. watched a couple episodes of Happy Days
8. went downstairs for a little bit and took pictures with Gracie
9. watched more episodes of Happy Days until I fell asleep
These are the valentines I bought for the kids at the after school program. |
My mom made these for my brothers and me. |
I made these pencils for my coworker. The pencil part are Rolos, the tip is a Hershey's kiss and the eraser is just pink tissue paper. I wrote the tags. |
I made these dog treats for Gracie. |
Here she is enjoying them. |
And here's me and my valentine, Gracie. |
So that was my Valentine's Day. It wasn't very exciting, but I enjoyed it.