Hello again! I haven't posted anything in a couple months, so I'm due for another. So here's what I've been up to lately.
This was actually taken March 31st, but oh well. The After School Program had a field trip to John's Incredible Pizza on March 31st & April 1st. Kinder through 2nd went on the 31st and 3rd through 5th went on the 1st. I went both days, but I only have pictures from the 31st. This was my "bus buddy" we took a couple of these photobooth pictures. |
I bought Gracie this SF Giants jersey. She actually didn't fuss when I put it on her, so I guess she liked it. She normally hates wearing clothes. |
This is Mae. She used to be my neighbor before we moved. I haven't seen her since I was about 7 years old. She had her 90th birthday and my mom and I went. |
At Mae's birthday party, there was an Elvis impersonator. She's a huge Elvis fan [like me]. He sang a few songs including "Happy Birthday". |
This is Gracie after I gave her a bath. I thought she looked super adorable when she was done with her bath. |
I made these bunny ears for Gracie just moments before taking this picture. All I used was black felt for the base, white cardstock for the ears, colored the pink and used string to tie it. |
I met Drake Bell! Or should I say my mom and I met Drake Bell! I saw him post on Facebook that he was going to be at F.Y.E. in Modesto. You had to buy his new CD in order to see him perform and meet him. So my mom and I went, I bought the CD and we waited in line. He sang some songs and then we got in line to meet him. The whole time my mom and I were being dorky like we were going to faint when we meet him and etc. The closer we got to him the joking stopped. We really were nervous to meet him and didn't even know what to say. We finally got to meet him and he was so nice. He complimented me on my shirt and he touched it! He touched my shirt! I don't remember what I said or if I even said anything. We took some pictures & he had his buddy take pictures with his own camera! Then before we left I asked him to take a selfie [a word a really hate]. So he also touched my phone! |
Gracie and me pouting on the floor. |
Mom & I were walking Gracie one day and we stopped at Baskin Robbins for some ice cream. Mom waited outside while I got the ice cream. I shared some of my ice cream with Gracie. |
May 3rd was Free Comic Book Day, so my friend Favi, her sister Jenny and I went to Modesto to get out free comic book. I got a Marvel comic book & I bought a Kids Next Door one. |
This guy was standing outside the comic book store dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog. I decided to take a picture with him. |
My brothers had a baseball game one Sunday. It was an away game and we decide to take Gracie with us. As you can tell she was very excited about it. |
My mom and I went to a scrapbooking retreat on Mother's Day weekend. We went with some of our scrapbooking friends and a few other people we've never met before. They were friends of a friend. One morning, my mom and walked around and my mom took some pictures of me. Here's one with me in a field of flowers. |
I bought this package called Barkbox. It's a monthly gift of dog supplies. It could be snacks, toys, shampoos, etc. Gracie got her first box in May and she'll get one every month until December. |
I bought this Polaroid from Amazon. It's a digital camera, but you can print pictures straight from the camera. I haven't printed anything yet, but I can't wait until I do! |