Today is the first official day of my summer vacation! Thursday was the last day of school, but I did have to work on Friday [and weekends don't count]. On Thursday, the After School Program had a last day of school party which included:
- Talent Show
- Parent Volunteers Appreciation
- Water Play
During the water play, they had water sticks to shoot others with, at one point I was their main target. I was nearby making sure they had enough water left when one boy "accidentally" got me. I told him I wasn't even upset because it actually felt good. So another boy decided to yell, "Let's all aim for Miss Carly!" So I had about 5 boys shooting me with water. At that point I had to yell for them to stop, which they did [eventually]. I didn't go near the water area the rest of the day.
I made these for the 5th graders at the After School Program.
Reese's Cups
Chalkboard Paper w/ their names written in chalk
White String
The kids really loved them and hugged me [even the boys who never hug anyone]. |
My Last Day of School outfit.
Dress: Kohl's
Nails: Avon
Headband: Wet Seal |
There was one more kid left to be picked up, so I enjoyed some leftover Capri-Sun while I waited. His dad was 10 minutes late. |
I'm so excited to get a break from work and to spend that money I earned!
This weekend was the Apricot Fiesta [my town's annual downtown party] and I went on Saturday and Sunday with my friends and parents.
My Sunday outfit:
Dress: Modcloth
Lemonade & Kettle Corn |
Today, I'm going to watch Maleficent with some of my friends and do some shopping.
I can't wait for future plans this summer. I know I'll have tons of fun!