I can't believe it's already September! This year is going by so fast. Before you know it it'll be Christmas. Here's a look of my first week of September.
Gracie has this toy tiger tail [what a great alliteration] and one day I was messing with her by putting the tail in her collar. Apparently she wasn't in the mood to play because she left it on top of her head. |
My dad and I started having a Cheers marathon. We started from the pilot episode and we're about halfway finished with season 1. |
This a tweet talking about the SF Giants game on Wednesday. Pablo Sandoval hit 3 home runs in one game [just like he did in game 1 of the World Series last year]. |
Netflix just added Men in Black and I knew I had to watch it as soon as possible. MIB was my favorite movie when I was little. I even had a Men in Black wallet. |
Today was the first official SF 49er game of the season. Football season started earlier this week, but the niners didn't play until today. Plus we won against the GB Packers! [34-28] |
Today was also my grandma's birthday. We had dinner at my aunt Yaya's house. |
Love your first week of September!