This weekend I attended an all day crop with my mom. I completed 4 pages, which is rare for me. It usually takes me a whole day just to finish one. I'll post more pictures of my finished pages, but for now I'll just share one. This page lists 10 of my favorite things [in no particular order]. I had fun making this page because I usually don't doodle on my pages [or ever really] and this page has tons of doodles. I made sure to draw at least one thing to represent my favorite things. I'm a pretty lousy drawer so I spent extra time on each drawing to make it look decent. I know it's kind of hard to see, but my favorite drawing are Lincoln's hat, Harry's lightning bolt scar, Don Lockwood singing in the rain, Holden's red hunting hat and each drawing for The Breakfast Club.
1. Scrapbooking: I love to scrapbook [obviously] and it's all thanks to my mother. I never would've gotten into it if it wasn't for her. My favorite scrapbooking materials are stickers, buttons, washi tape and stamps.
2. Pigs: Pigs have been my favorite animal for awhile now. I'm not sure how it started, but I just think they are adorable.
3. Baseball: I've loved baseball ever since I was little. I used to play and I used to [well still do] watch my brothers play. It's hard to explain why I love it so much. It's like trying to explain what water tastes like haha. Yeah it's that difficult.
4. Happy Days: This is seriously one of my favorite shows. I wish it was on TV more often, but it's not. My favorite characters are Richie and Potsie and of course The Fonz. [Aayy!]
5. Abraham Lincoln: He's my favorite president and my first love. Yeah you heard that right, my first love. I was in the second grade when I first learned about Lincoln and I just loved him from that day on.
6. Harry Potter: Ok, I'll admit it, I didn't read all the books. I know, I know, I can't be a true fan unless I read them all. I'm working on it; it's just that I've been so lazy to read anything. However, I did watch all the movies in theaters [midnight showing for the last 3], so that counts for something right? Anyways I love HP and I'm sad that it's over. My favorite characters are Ron, Hermione & Neville [based on just the movies].
7. Graceland: My dog Graceland "Gracie" Lou. She's the best dog in world [and the craziest]! She's so stinkin' cute that she has to be one of my favorite things.
8. Singin' in the Rain: I just now realized that it should say Singin' not Singing [darn]. The first time I saw this movie I was in 7th grade. I had this super boring class about..honestly don't remember what it was exactly. It was kind of like a movie appreciation class, but I know that's not what it was. Anyways, it was a super boring class. I had one of those mono-toned type of teachers [why were all my mono-toned teachers computer teachers? Weird.] who would always say your name wrong if you had a "non-traditional" name [even if you had him multiple times]. I think you get my point. He made us watch old movies and every month and we'd have to write a paper about it. So one month the movie was Singin' in the Rain and I was expecting it to be boring since the last movie we watched bored me to death. I actually happened to love it and it became one of my favorite movies! [Number 3 to be exact] As much as I disliked that boring class, at least one good thing came out of it.
9. The Catcher in the Rye: My favorite book since my sophomore year of high school. We had to read this book for Honors English. It was actually the only book I really enjoyed that year. [Scratch that I did like Lord of the Flies]
10. The Breakfast Club: My favorite movie since I don't know when. I watched this movie for the first time when I was like 14. I was one of the few people I knew, who were my age, that liked or even seen that movie. I introduced it to many of my friends over the years. Now a lot of people my age love this movie, but whatever I liked it first at the age of 14 [not that it really matters].
I love this layout! Can it be one of my top ten favorite things? LOL